
Please consider making a generous donation to Parivar International/Indeos Foundation, a donor-supported non-profit organization. All your donations are tax exempt in the US.

Option 1: Please click the “Donate” button below to give online using credit card or PayPal. For recurring donations, click “make this a monthly donation”  box.

Option 2: If you wish to donate through PayPal Giving Fund, please click hereWhen using this option, please inform us about your donation at parivar1@gmail.comYour tax receipt will come directly from PayPal Giving Fund.
Option 3: Please write checks to Parivar International and mail it to PO Box 5301, Vernon Hills, IL 60061 to give using checks.
Option 4: You may also setup using your bank’s online “Bill Pay” option through your checking account and make monthly recurring donations to Parivar International, PO Box 5301, Vernon Hills, IL 60061